South Africa Funds Avanti Satellite Broadband for More than 1,000 SMEs – Satellite Today

Avanti Communications HYLAS 2 satellite

Avanti Communications’ Hylas 2 satellite. Photo: Avanti

[Via Satellite 07-13-2015] South Africa’s Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) is providing funding for the country’s business chamber, the Foundation for African Business and Consumer Services (FABCOS) and its new major business incubator program, Microtelco e-ncubator, to receive satellite broadband from Avanti Communications.

The partnership will provide high speed satellite broadband to more than 1,000 Small and Medium sized Enterprises (SMEs), focusing extensively on businesses in some of the most remote parts of South Africa. FABCOS’s Microtelco e-ncubator program specifically nurtures small telecommunications companies, for which connectivity is a vital part of day-to-day operations. Broadband will help connect businesses in markets such as retail, finance and agriculture.

“Access to broadband has become as important as any other utility for businesses here to succeed. Indeed, it is an integral part of our incubation offering to our members,” said Alan Campbell, director of ICTGLOBE Technology Encubator and national treasurer general at FABCOS.


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