April 2018

News on key developments at SupremeSAT, and general news on the Space and Satellite industry from across the web

Delay of the day: GSAT-11 – Satellite News Digest

Due to additional technical checks with the Indian Space Research Organisation’s (ISRO) GSAT-11 satellite, to be conducted from the ISRO Satellite Centre (ISAC) located at Bengalaru, the Ariane 5 launch initially planned for 25 May 2018, VA243, has been postponed. http://www.sat-nd.com/archive/?id=2018042400

First BepiColombo parts flown to launch site – Satellite News Digest

The first elements of the BepiColombo spacecraft, which will be heading to Mercury from autumn 2018, have arrived per plane at the European Spaceport Kourou in French Guiana. This flight was the first of four needed to transport the spacecraft and all handling and test equipment to Kourou. The flights are supported by three transports…

Sentinel-3B MWR pre-launch details – Satellite News Digest

A new highly precise MicroWave Radiometer (MWR) built by Airbus is ready to start operations after the launch of the Sentinel-3B satellite built by Thales Alenia Space as prime contractor for this programme. Launch aboard a Rokot lifting off from Plesetsk, Russia, is currently scheduled for 25 April, 1757 UTC. http://www.sat-nd.com/archive/?id=2018042200