Disaster Tech Lab Bringing Globalstar Satellite Support to Refugees in Greece – Satellite Today

Globalstar Disaster Tech Lab Greece

A Disaster Tech Labs-supplied SatPhone from Globalstar used in Greece. Photo: Globalstar

[Via Satellite 10-28-2015] Globalstar and first responder communications specialist Disaster Tech Lab are working together to assist the victims of the European and Middle East refugee crisis by dispatching satellite communications solutions to the Greek island of Lesbos, which has received more than 20,000 refugees fleeing Syria, Iraq and other nations in the last month alone. Disaster Tech Lab is currently deploying teams of volunteers to refugee camps and arrival sites.

Many remote areas of Lesbos have virtually non-existent cellular coverage and a severe lack of terrestrial telecom infrastructure. Satellite networks provide the only reliable operable communications available.

“Globalstar satellite phones are the only way many of these refugees can make a quick call to family back home, letting them know they have arrived safely. We have seen people forgo medical treatment for the opportunity to use a satellite phone; these communications are really helping people in the most desperate need,” said Evert Bopp, founder of Disaster Tech Lab.

Additionally, Disaster Tech Lab is providing Globalstar communications to other Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) on the island. Globalstar products and services are also helping to keep the humanitarian aid specialists from Disaster Tech Lab connected and safe as they travel to and between deployment locations.

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