[Via Satellite 06-01-2015] Orbit Communication Systems has received an order for multiple OceanTRx 7-500 Ka-Band SatCom systems to an emerging Ka-band global satellite service provider. The company’s SatCom systems will be installed on board cruise ships, and follows previous orders for Orbit equipment already installed on other large cruise vessels.
The OceanTRx 7-500 stabilized antenna systems (2.2 meter) provide continuous broadband data communications at very high rates. Orbit’s OceanTRx 4-500 (1.15 meter) and 7-500 systems support Ka-band communications. Orbit has demonstrated Ka-band systems with commercial and defense customers.
“The satellite service provider’s commercial service launched recently is an important milestone for us,” said Ofer Greenberger, CEO of Orbit, adding, “At their request, we will expand our cooperation to other markets beyond the maritime segment.”
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